In spite of a successful career in Advertising & Marketing in early 90’s, Vinaayak took to school education – essentially a “Child Rearing” activity due to his natural flair for Psychology and his intuitive insights to Human Behaviour. He choose ‘Organizational Behaviour’ as one of his specializations in the Business Management programme at unversity and lapped-up a lot of literature on Psychology, right from Sigmund Freud to Eric Berne. Paralelly he studied Numerology & Astrology related personality traits based on the sun signs.
"People watching" is Vinaayak’s favorite pass-time, wheather he is travelling or in a gathering. Having lived in a University Hostel which had students from all over India and abroad, it provided a perfect crucible for Vinaayak to experiment on Human attitudes and Behaviour. It was here that he discovered that childhood is indeed the foundation and the D.N.A of Personality formation and success in life. It was probably this discovery that triggered the establishment of Abhyasa Residential School, because he wanted to catch people young to mould them into fine personalities of various hues !
Though Vinaayak occasionally tried his hand in teaching various subjects like English Literature, Geography and Indian Culture to his students at Abhyasa, Counseling students came very naturally to him. He introduced the concept of “Circle Time” at Abhyasa in June 2004 – which is essentially a ‘Time’ when Teacher and the Taught sit in a “Circle” (signifying equality and absence of hierarchy) to de-stress and share feelings . Awareness of essential Spiritual Truths have guided Vinaayak to be an effective Counselor, ensuring that the counseled derive strength and peace from their own deeper self ! |